Hardboiled Eggs, Part 1
Willy Weatherbee is the general store owner in Purity Springs. He’s pleasant and friendly and always smiling, until the day that his fresh eggs began to disappear…
Willy Weatherbee is the general store owner in Purity Springs. He’s pleasant and friendly and always smiling, until the day that his fresh eggs began to disappear…
Folks are honest in Purity Springs, so stores never lock doors, even during lunch break. So, when Willy Weatherbee came back and found a crate of eggs missing…
Folks are honest in Purity Springs, so stores never lock doors, even during lunch break. So, when Willy Weatherbee came back and found a crate of eggs missing…
Folks are honest in Purity Springs, so stores never lock doors, even during lunch break. So, when Willy Weatherbee came back and found a crate of eggs missing…
Willy Weatherbee thinks that former athlete Dwayne Hodges with his earring and long hair must be the thief…
Willy Weatherbee continues to be flabbergasted about the mystery of the eggs that keep on disappearing from day to day…
Willy Weatherbee’s nerves are so frayed from worrying about the missing eggs that he wants to hire Jerry as a hit man against the main suspect…
Jerry tells Willy Weatherbee that Hodges cannot possibly be the thief, and suggests that Willy should speak to Old Isaac…
Old Isaac the Tzaddik gives Willy Weatherbee some amazing advice as to what he can do to find the mysterious egg thief…
Old Isaac the Tzaddik gives Willy Weatherbee some amazing advice, and this week, Willy discovers who the mysterious egg thief really is…
Old Isaac the Tzaddik explains to Willy Weatherbee who the mysterious egg thief really is, a big hungry black snake…
The mystery is finally solved. Willy Weatherbee learns a big lesson, that you have to judge everyone fairly, and he becomes best friends with Dwayne.